Task before relationship or relationship before task?
In the era of global business, cultural insensitivity is not only foolish, it’s expensive. We may hide behind the notion that “business is business” the world over but in an increasingly crowded marketplace, the seller who doesn’t understand how his or her customers think doesn’t stand a chance.
A tight schedule
Mr. Abu Bakar: Mr. Müller,
how good to see you.
Müller: Nice to see you again, Hassan.
Mr. Abu Bakar: Tell me, how
have you been?
Mr. Müller: Very well, thank you. And you?
Mr. Abu Bakar: Fine, fine.
Allah be praised.
Müller: I really appreciate your
agreeing to see me about these
Mr. Abu Bakar: My pleasure.
So tell me: how was your trip? Did you
come direct or did
you have a stopover?
Mr. Müller: No
stopover this time. I’m on a tight schedule. That’s why I’m so grateful you
could see me on such short notice.
Mr. Abu Bakar: Not at all.
How is my good friend, Mr. Wilson?
Mr. Müller: Oh, fine, fine. He’s been very busy with
this distribution
problem also.
Mr. Abu Bakar: You know, you
have come at an excellent time. Tomorrow
Is the
Prophet’s birthday – blessings and peace be upon Him –
and we’re having a special feast at my
home. I’d like you to be
Mr. Müller: Thank you very much. Now about these
plans ……. ?
Mr. Müller has a rather
narrow notion of what one talks about at a “business meeting”. He tries to come
right to the point – the question of the distribution arrangements. Mr. Abu
Bakar seems to be more interested in the social side of things - there’s more to meetings than doing business.
For him, after all, building strong personal rapport with partners is the
essential foundation for a successful business undertaking.
From Mr. Müller’s point of
view, business is business and should not be mixed with socializing activities.
From the Arab point of view though, a firm distinction between the professional
and the personal is unnatural. An
increase in cultural sensitivity and change in attitudes on both sides will
certainly help to alleviate a potential conflict from further escalating.